
中文 英文 中文 英文
遺產分割協議書 Contract concerning succession 地籍總歸戶冊(卡) General registers of landowners
囑託登記 Registration of request 地籍圖 Cadastral map
權利價值 The value of right of land for compensation 地籍測量 Cadastral survey
繼承登記 Registration of inheritance 地籍 Cadastrer
管理者變更登記 Registration of changes in administrator 地價評議委員會 Land evaluation committee
圖根測量 Supplementary control 地價稅 Land value tax
農業用地 Agricultural land 地段圖 Pracellary plan
農牧用地 Farming and grazing lands 地政機關 Land office
農地重劃 Farmland readjustment 地政士證書 Certificates of Land Administration Agents
畸零地 Odd lot 地政士 Land administration agents
補正 Supplement 地役權 Easement
義務人 Obligor 地上權 Superficies
塗銷登記 Registration of cancellation 同一供需圈 Primary market area
登記清冊 Registration lists 全球定位系統 Global Positioning System, GPS
登記申請書 Application forms 交通水利用地 Land used for communication and water conservancy
無主土地 Ownerless land 申報地價 Declared land value
假處分登記 Registration of provisional disposition 田賦 Agricultural land tax
假扣押登記 Registration of provisional seizure 永佃權 Permanent lease
逕為登記 Registration of direct 正常價格 Market value
規定地價 Assessment of land value 正常基線 Normal baseline
區段徵收 Zone expropriation 平均地權 The equalization of land rights
耕地三七五減租 The 37.5% arable land rental reduction 外國人取得土地權利 Foreigners to acquire land rights
書狀費 Certificates fees 他項權利證明書 Other rights certificate
書狀換給或補給登記 Registration of the exchange and re-issue of the certificate 他項權利登記 Registration of other rights
差額地價 The difference of land value 主登記 Principal registration
前次移轉現值 the value of land at the penultimate transfer 戶地測量 Parcel survey
原住民保留地 The lands reserved for aboriginal people 公開抽籤 Public ballot
限制登記 Registration of restriction 公告土地現值 Current land value
重劃 Readjustment 公有土地 Public land
重新規定地價 Reassessment of land value 公共設施保留地 Land reserved for the public infrastructure
建築改良物 Constructional improvements 中央地政機關 The Central Land Administration
建築用地 Land used for construction 不動產說明書 An instruction of real estate
建物登記簿 Constructional improvements register 不動產經紀營業員 Assistant real estate brokers
建物所有權第一次登記 Initial registration of constructional improvements ownership 不動產經紀業 Real estate broking
契約書 Written contracts 不動產經紀人證書 Certificates of real estate brokers
非都市土地變更編定 Non-urban land converting classification 不動產經紀人 Real estate brokers
非都市土地 Non-urban land 不動產租賃、買賣契約書 A contract of the sale and purchase, the lease of real estate
近鄰地區 Neighborhood area 不動產承租、承購要約書 An offering document of rental, purchase
空地 Vacant land 不動產出租、出售委託契約書 An entrusted contract of renting, selling real estate
法定地上權登記 Registration of statutory superficies 不動產糾紛調處委員會 The Committee on Real Estate Dispute Conciliation
法人變更登記 Registration of the change of Juridical Person 不動產估價師懲戒委員會 A Disciplinary Committee for Real Estate Appraisers
林業用地 Forestry lands 不動產估價師公會 Real Estate Appraiser Guild
拆遷戶安置計畫 Resettlement of demolished households 不動產估價師 Real estate appraiser
抵價地 Land for compensation 不動產 Real estate
抵押權 Mortgage 不在地主 Absentee landlord
承租權 Leasehold 工業用地 Industrial land
承租人 Lessee 工本費 Expenses fees
所有權變更登記 Registration of change of ownership 山坡地保育區 Hillside conservation zones
所有權 Ownership 大陸地區人民 People of the Mainland Area
典權 Dien 土地權利變更登記 Registration of changes in land rights
系統規範 The Rules governing the system 土地權利信託登記 Registration of the trust of land rights
更名登記 Registration of change in name 土地總登記 General registration of land
更正登記 Registration of rectification 土地徵收審議委員會 The Land Expropriation Examination Committee
佃農 Tenants 土地徵用 Expropriated use of land
住址變更登記 Registration of change in domicile 土地徵收 Land expropriation
自耕 Owner-cultivation 土地增值稅 Land value increment tax
自用住宅用地 Owner-occupied residential land 土地債券 Land bonds
收件簿 Records of applications received 土地開發分析法 Land development analysis approach
成屋 Readily available house 土地登記規則 Regulations for land registration
地權 Land rights 土地登記簿 Land register
土地登記 Land registration 三角測量 Triangulation
土地測量 Land survey 人地比率 Man-land ratio
土地使用分區管制 Zoning 乙種建築用地 Type B building lands
土地重劃 Land readjustment 一般因素 General factors
土地所有權狀 Land ownership certificate 一般徵收 General eminent domain
土地所有權人 The landowners 一併徵收 Joint expropriation
土地改良物 Improvement on land